HYDROPNEUMATIC || Minimax Pumps for chemical injection packages and portable pressure test units

HYDROPNEUMATIC | Wellhead Equipment & Controls

Minimax Pumps

designed for chemical injection packages and portable pressure test units

  • 50 years of experience in Oil & Gas, 50 years of design and production
  • 50 years of experience in Oil & Gas, 50 years of design and production

Minimax Pumps

Specifically designed for injecting chemical, antifreeze and corrosion inhibitors, the Minimax injectors, available in two great series, are single acting air/gas driven, positive displacement pumps which operate at supply pressure ranging from 15 to 125 psi; both series are powered by a piston motor with spring return.
Wide regulation of flow rates is achieved by means of operating the speed control valve, while the exhaust port can be piped when gas is the power source. The construction is aimed to provide solutions, which are corrosion resistant.

Download the 180 DSp data sheet

Download the 120 45 data sheet

Features and Applications

  • Minimax pumps are ideally suited for Chemical Injection and Metering Systems
  • The comprehensive range allows for the construction of packaged systems and skids to meet the customer’s precise design requirements and specifications
  • The Minimax pumps are intrinsically safe, suitable for extreme service, easy to install and reliable
  • Pressures up to 30.000 PSI


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